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Welcome to the EMRA Committee Leadership Application Portal

Applications Due November 1st at midnight CT.

Chair Elect Applicants

Two-year commitment with one year spent as Chair Elect with automatic succession to Chair. Applicants must be either:

  • 4th year medical student (contingent on matching into EM), 
  • resident or
  • fellow 
  • all applicants must be members of EMRA. 

Vice-Chair Applicants

One-year commitment open to:

  • medical student,
  • resident or
  • fellow 
  • all applicants must be members of EMRA.


Assistant Vice-Chair Applicants

Unsponsored One-year commitment open to:

  • medical student,
  • resident or 
  • fellow 
  • all applicants must be members of EMRA. 


All materials must be received by November 1st at midnight CT.


Required Materials:

  • Application
  • CV
  • Letter of Support from your Program Director indicating assistance in arranging your schedule to attend our annual meeting:
    • ACEP’s Scientific Assembly (September 2025).
  • Note: For medical students, any Letter of Support will be sufficient. Travel to ACEP is required

When you are ready to begin, click HERE to begin your application.

Enter your information then click Save and Finalize when done.  You can also save and return later to finish if you wish.

Thank you for supporting and recognizing excellence in emergency medicine.


How do I apply to more than 1 committee?

The application will ask you if you would like to apply to another committee. If you click yes, it will drop down another series of questions asking for you to apply to another committee. If you click no, it will take you on to complete the application.

How many committees can I apply for?

3 is the maximum. 

NOTE:  If you choose to apply for multiple committees, your application will be reviewed independently by each committee.  If selected, you will only be appointed to 1 committee.